In July, we commemorate a variety of occasions! While we observe the 4th of July and Disability Month, let’s not forget the numerous STEM discoveries worth celebrating and exploring!
The Remarkable Landing on the Moon!
July is a month filled with important events. Let’s reflect on a remarkable astronomy STEM occurrence that happened on July 20, 1969! It marks the day Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on the moon. Subsequently, at 02:56 UTC on July 21, Armstrong made history as the first person to set foot on the Moon’s surface.
Link to Article: July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind – NASA
A Special Message from our NASA Astronauts!
This month, alongside Fourth of July celebrations on Earth, NASA astronauts shared a special message from the International Space Station, detailing their proud thoughts about the American holiday. The video was released by NASA on July 3rd. It’s remarkable that these astronauts are creating history while also honoring the past!

Link to Article: NASA astronauts send Fourth of July message to Earth from ISS (video) | Space
A STEM Activity for kids to Create this July
As we reflect on this country’s achievements and the significant contributions in STEM during July, let’s delve into an exciting STEM activity! Dive into the challenge of creating a Pool Noodle Periscope. This engineering project not only explores image refraction science but also offers a fun way to repurpose old pool noodles. Your children will have a blast playing spy with this creative and educational project!

Link to Article: Pool Noodle Periscope STEM Project (
Summer Combo Camps
Our Summer Combo Camps are still running! Students will be able to make new friends while learning, robotics, STEM, and participating in creative activities. Register for our summer combo camps at