December is a time for joy, celebration, and gifts! As our gift to you, we’ve compiled some fascinating STEM facts. Read on to discover what’s happening this winter in the world of STEM!
December’s Winter Solstice!
The hibernal solstice, also known as the winter solstice, happens when either of Earth’s poles is tilted the furthest away from the Sun. This year’s winter solstice occurred on Thursday, December 21. In the Northern Hemisphere, this day signifies the shortest day and the longest night of the year!
Link to Article: Winter solstice 2023 is here, bringing the longest night of the year | Space
The Awesome Speed of a Snowflake!
The average snowflake travels at a speed of slightly over 4.8 kilometers per hour, which is approximately the same speed as an adult walking!
How Insects Stay Warm!
As humans, we tend to rely on coats and jackets to keep warm during the winter months. However, insects have their own unique methods for surviving the cold. In fact, some insects produce their own version of “antifreeze” to endure the season. These natural chemicals, known as cryoprotectants, shield the insects from freezing.
Link To Article:Bug Antifreeze | A Moment of Science – Indiana Public Media
Winter STEM in Action
Our students had a blast this December, staying warm and exploring new STEM concepts. Here’s a few pics from our December classes!